10 Ways To Determine If There Is Spirit Activity In Your Home

Published February 21, 2012 by Mystic Landing

1. Seeing movement from the corner of your eye.

2. Trouble sleeping or waking up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason.

3. Thoughts that come into your head that make little sense or don’t relate to what you were thinking about.

4. Temperature changes or “cold spots”

5. Finding things where you didn’t put them or losing objects altogether

6. Feeling sad, anxious or angry for no apparent reason.

7. Sudden change in your thought process or emotional mood.

8. Subtle sounds like creaks and taps that are easy to ignore or disregard as “nothing”.

9. Pets act differently, or stare at something unseen.

10. Feeling of being watched.

Please don’t be alarmed if you feel there is spirit activity in your home. They rarely mean any harm and just want to connect. Ask them questions. Ask them their name. They will appreciate it and may even have something important to tell you!

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